African Priest

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You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free (John 8:32)

The following speech was given by Jules Renkin, Governor of Kinshasa to the first group of missionaries journeying to the Congo in 1883. The speech was published in a Belgium newspaper in Kinshasa in 1951. No doubt this practice became widespread.

" Reverend Father and dear Compatriots: the task I ask you to accomplish is very delicate and demands much tact and diplomacy. Fathers you are going to preach the Gospel, but your preaching must be inspired by first, the interest of the Belgium State. The main goal of your mission in the Congo is not to teach the Negro the knowledge of God, because they already know Him. They talk and commit themselves to their God. They know that killing; stealing; adultery and blasphemy are not good. Let’s have the courage to admit this fact so your won’t teach them the things they already know. Your role essentially will be to easily facilitate the task of the administrative and industrial personnel. This is to say, you will interpret the Gospel in a way to protect and serve the interest of Belgium, in that part of the world.

To do so, you will see that our savages be not interested in the riches that their soil possesses, in order that they will not want them, thus they be not involved in murderous competition with us and dream to live a luxurious lifestyle. Your knowledge of the scriptures will help us to use special texts that recommend the infidels love poverty such as, “The Beatitudes”, "Blessed are the poor for theirs is the Kingdom”, “It’s hard for the rich to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. You will do all that you can to cause the Negro to fear being rich in order that he may go to Heaven. From time to time you can keep them from rebelling and keep them in fear that you will use violence. You will teach them to endure anything, even when they are insulted and beaten by your compatriots/administratives. You will teach that whoever uses violence is not a child of God.

You will cause them to follow the Saints who turned the other cheek. You will take them away from anything and act that procures then the courage to confront us. I’m alluding myself here to their magic, ie. Ju-Ju, Voodoo. They should feel like abandoning their Ju-Ju and you will do your best to take them away at the same time. Your action will be essentially on the younger people that they might not rebel. If the commandments of the father are not conducive to the parents, the child should learn to obey what the missionary teaches him because he is the father of his soul. We must force them into submission and obedience.

Dear compatriots, these are some of the principles you must apply; you will find many more in the book that will be given to you at the end of the session. “Teach the Gospel to the Negroes in an African Style”, in order that they are kept submissive to the white colonist. They should not rebel against the injustices done to them by the colonist. Make them always meditate on “Blessed be those who weep/cry for theirs in the kingdom of Heaven”. Convert the Blacks always with a whip. Keep their wives in submission for nine months so they work for you graciously. Require of them an offering of recognition to you; goats, chickens, eggs, each time you visit their village. Avoid by all means the Blacks becoming rich. Cause them to sing each and every day “it’s impossible for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. Make them pay tithes each Sunday for church. Utilize this money that is for the poor, for our own business investments.

Institute a system of confession which will make you good detectives in order to denounce/put down every Black which has a spirit of rebellion against the system. Teach the Negroes that their statues and idols are works of the devil, confiscate them and fill up our museums with them. Teach the Negro to forget about their heroes in order to worship and give praise to ours. Don’t give a seat to a Negro when he comes to see you, at most give him a cigarette. Don’t invite him to break bread with you, even if he gave you a chicken every time you went to see him. Consider all Blacks as little children and required them to refer to you as father. My dear compatriots, if you apply to the letter, all this, the interest of Belgium in the Congo will be protected for centuries. I thank you."

Jules Renkin – Governor of Kinshasa, Congo 1883 (Translated from French)
At the Berlin Conference in 1884-5 various European powers completed their territorial division of Africa!!!



  A Service of Ile Awo Orisa since 2001 Last Revised February 18, 2019