African Priest

Alafia! Peace!
Ase! Ase! Ase!


Kabo! Kabo! Welcome! Welcome! to Ile Awo Orisa
The House of the Mysteries of Orisa
The Voice of the Emese and the Isoro Traditional Council of Chiefs



The Authorized Voice
of the Emese,
The Caretakers, Guardians,
and Repository of IFA


Associated Sites

Ile Awo Orisa Blog


Adura: An Ifa Prayer
Book For Beginners
Vol I, 2nd Edition






The Title of Oluranse Emese

During the period of my initiation it was stressed to me that this title of Oluranse Emese has NEVER before been authorized to anyone in all the history of IFA. According to IFA and the Emese it is my Ori that has place this title upon my head. It is IFA that has guided the Emese to do what they have never done before. They have chosen at this critical time in the history of the human family to come out from behind the veil that has cloaked them since the beginning of time and to add their voice, the voice of antiquity to the discussion about our global welfare and survival.

Have you done a Google search to find information about the IFA tradition, the Orisas, the Imoles, or Ifa Divination? If you have you know you can get hundreds, even thousands of hits. How do you know that what you are reading is factual, the real thing? How can you sort though all of the varying views and conflicting statements? How can you get answers to your specific questions? Now, you can avoid the confusion and get your information directly from the Source, the Emese and Isoro Traditional Council of Chiefs through this web site.

The title of Oluranse Emese is one that places a responsibility upon me that I humbly and gratefully accepted. According to the Emese,

The Oluranse Emese is the voice, vision, and authority of ways and practices of our tradition and culture, as well as being the source of sacrosanct and factual dissemination of information on the knowledge and wisdom of Orisas to the new world (the new world referring to the Internet).

I do not claim to be the source of the knowledge and wisdom that is shared on this site. The Emese are the Caretakers, Guardians, and Repository of the IFA Corpus and Traditions. The role of the Oluranse Emese is to provide a bridge between you and the Source of the IFA tradition so that IFA can assist you on your life journey. Over the past decade I have received numerous emails from site visitors. Your emails have motivated me to continue my own Journey to the Root and helped to bring me to this special relationship with the Emese and with you. I hope you will continue to share your comments and questions via email.

Ka Maa Worisha!
Let us keep looking to the Orisa!
B’ao Ku Ishe O Tan!
When there is life, there is still hope!

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  A Service of Ile Awo Orisa since 2001 Last Revised February 18, 2019