African Priest

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What is in a Name?

March 2016

What’s in a Name? Energy! I hope you can remember the sound of love in the voice of people who called to you in your childhood and youth. There are a host of feelings and attitudes that can travel on the voice. Some good and some bad! The positive energy vibrations associated with the sounds of respect, confidence, trust, faith, support, and encouragement carry a special quality of Ase that affects each of us in very powerful ways. When those sounds and expressions are attached to our names we are empowered by their Ase and we come to respect ourselves. We begin to feel more confident. We become trustworthy and reliable. We learn that we can get up after a fall because we have been encouraged to do so and can call upon that energy vibration. Our name becomes associated with all of these wonderful sounds and their energy signatures are energized when we hear our name called.

Of course the opposite is also true but lets not deal with that aspect. If your name was called with a host of negative energy vibrations you already know that some of that energy is attached to the sound of your name. But I suspect that you have managed to call enough love and positive energy vibrations into your life that the energy of the past is no longer attached, at least not to your name.

Family, friends, co-workers, employers, and neighbors may all call you by various names or nicknames and each name elicits a slight shift in your Ase Ami (Energy Signature). The point here is that when we call the name of a thing we affect the reality of the thing. This notion is well understood in most religious and spiritual traditions where the names of the God and Spiritual Beings should not be spoken in vain or with disrespect. In some traditions special days are set-aside for the entire community to come together and pay homage to an important deity by calling their name, singing their homage songs, and feeding them before the community feast. These activities nurture cohesiveness in the community and fill the members with the Ase associated with the name of that particular spiritual entity.

There is another important aspect to a name, especially the names of spiritual beings. We have discussed in my writings the idea that when two or more entities interact they in turn create (generate) a Quantum Entity that is a manifestation of the integration of the individual energy fields. In Ifa we have also suggested that there is a vibration or membrane that separates the physical world and the spiritual world. In order to penetrate that membrane we must open a pathway, doorway, or vortex through that membrane. We accomplish that by calling the name of the Orisa and Ancestors we wish to connect with. It is the Name of the thing that allows you to make the connection. When your name is called it brings you to attention. When the names of Orisa and Egun are called they also are moved. This is why it is important to remember the Daily Calendar so that you can homage the Orisa on their special days. But more importantly, you should call your guardian Orisa’s names out loud and often because when you do you give power to the Quantum Entity that you share with your Orisa, you strengthen the connection, and because you keep the pathway, doorway, or vortex between the material world and the Spiritual World open to you.

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Ki Olodumare, Orisa, ati Egun fifun e ni Itona, Imoye, ati Opo Ire!

My Olodumare, Orisa, and Ancestors bestow on you Guidance, Wisdom, and Abundant Blessings!


  A Service of Ile Awo Orisa since 2001 Last Revised February 18, 2019