African Priest

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Ase! Ase! Ase!


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The House of the Mysteries of Orisa
The Voice of the Emese and the Isoro Traditional Council of Chiefs



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of the Emese,
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and Repository of IFA


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Ile Awo Orisa Blog


Adura: An Ifa Prayer
Book For Beginners
Vol I, 2nd Edition






Oduduwa Shrine

© Ile Awo Orisa

Ile Oduduwa Shrine

This shrine is the last place that Oduduwa stepped on earth before ascending back to Orun. It also contains the chain that he used to descend with all the Orisas with Orisa Ogun leading the way. It is this shrine that a newly crowned king steps into during the Oduduwa festival to receive the mark of authority and step on the footprint of Oduduwa as a legitimate descendant. It is forbidden for non-initiates to enter and pictures can only be taken of the gates.



  A Service of Ile Awo Orisa since 2001 Last Revised February 18, 2019