7 Circles Southern/Northern Shaolin Kung Fu
Wu-Shu, Wu-Kung, and Qigong Association

Me'je Oruka



7 Animals of Me'je Oruka

Tiger Style


Dragon Style


Crane Style


Monkey Style


Mantis Style


Snake Style


Eagle Style




This website is dedicated to the Students of Seifu A.S. Umar Sharif, MA. It is also dedicated to the promotion and propagation of the Traditional Afro-Asian Martial and Healing Arts. Our goal is to inform, educate, inspire, encourage, and motivate others to improve their lives by applying The Wisdom of the Ancients.

As your teacher and host, Seifu Sharif [aka: Xia` Xue' Gong] [aka: Tobi Alakoso] is dedicated to helping each of you to remember and nurture the Spirit of Wu-Te and the powers dormant within you.

Post 5

May 2017

Self-Imposed Discipline Part I

Namaste’ Students and Fellow Martial Arts Enthusiasts!

Life is challenging! Every animal, every fish, every plant and tree, every insect and even bacteria that comes into existence must meet the challenges that life imposts upon every created thing. These various life forms have certain built-in instincts to assist them in meeting there respective challenges. But you and I are quite difference because of our higher level mental functioning and capacities. And that makes Self-Imposed Discipline very important for our survival, growth, and prosperity. Some traditions teach that the individual is a wretched creature, born in sin, and helpless in the face of life’s challenges. Other traditions teach that the Creator gives to each individual the means to do much for him or her self in this world. Still others say that the individual must never set a limitation on what they can achieve. Successful living is in the striving! Regardless of which perspective is your own, Self-Imposed Discipline will have value in your life.

Everyone has something that they would like to change or achieve. There are attitudes or behaviors that you want to stop because they no longer serve your best interest. There are also attitudes or behaviors that you want to incorporate into your everyday way of living and being in the world. Change is occurring all of the time but self-mandated change is another creature (so to speak). Lets take a deeper look at Self-Imposed Discipline and its connection to Self-Mandated Change and the benefits of Traditional Martial and Healing Arts Training.

Self-Imposed Discipline

Self-Imposed implies that the task, circumstance, experience, or condition is a choice of the individual and is not levied by an external force. Much of what you will accomplish in this life will come about because of your ability to impose discipline on your self. Without this ability you are totally dependent on other people to move you towards growth and change.


Self-Discipline is the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses. It is also the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it. Notice that there are two distinct but related aspects to Self-Discipline. On the one hand it involves the ability to overcome that which we deem necessary to leave behind. On the other hand it involves the ability to strive to achieve something that we have deemed necessary to our growth and progress.

Think about it for a moment! Isn’t there something that you want to leave behind? It could be anything! It could be a habit of thinking or an attitude that causes you unnecessary problems in your relations with others. It could a habit of behavior like not getting enough sleep, oversleeping, being late for important obligations, drinking too much, smoking, or eating poorly. It could be a tendency to exaggerate or to lie. You know better what challenge burdens you the most. Maybe you have been trying to deal with it for years and still it haunts you. Here is your chance to confront it again!


The first aspect of Self- Discipline is Self-Restraint. Self-Restraint is restraint, control, restriction, limitation, curtailment, rein, prudence, and discretion imposed on you, by you, for you. It is self-restraint that is necessary to extinguish the old and unproductive aspects of your life and to make room for the new and productive changes that you want to put into place.

Whenever we strive to break an old habit we create an empty space in our lives. This is the reason that many people fail at Self-Mandated Change. They think that will-power and denial or abstinence will suffice for them to bring about lasting change. Not so! There is another important aspect of Self-Discipline that must be exercised simultaneously with Self-restraint in order to succeed at Self-Mandated Change.


Self-Discipline must embrace both Self-Restraint and Self-Motivation. You are Self-Motivated when you are motivated or moved to do or achieve something because of your own enthusiasm and interest. You are animated to act without needing pressure from others, and in fact, will act even without the encouragement of others. You can only be self-motivated and enthusiastic if you have a genuine interest in something. When you act to impose Self-Restraint (and therefore create a void) you must also be Self-Motivated to do something that will fill the void with positive thoughts, feelings, neuro-chemistry, personal rewards, and recognizable benefits.

Of course, I recommend Qigong and other Traditional Martial and Healing Arts activities that actually change your body-mind chemistry releasing powerful bio-chemicals of pleasure, euphoria, relaxation, clarity, and calm.

Twenty-One Day Challenge

It is always good to have a support system working with you as you strive to achieve Self-Mandate Change. Not that anyone will be watching or monitoring you. No one will even know what it is that you are trying to change. That can stay your secret! But just the idea that other people are also going through the same process can strengthen your own discipline. I was taught that a habit could be broken or put in place in twenty-one days. Lets put that to the test. Let me invite you to join other readers of my Blog in our second Twenty-One Day Challenge of Self-Mandated Change.

Our first 21-Day Challenge was back in 2012. It is completely up to you what you choose to exercise Self-Restraint over. And it is completely up to you what you choose to fill the void. Pick something that feels important and doable. As long as the end result is a better you in some way then you will be able to mark this challenge a success in twenty-one days. Drop me a brief email and let me know if your are participating in the 21-Day Challenge and then another email after the Challenge is over to let me know how well you did. You don’t need to tell me your specific challenge although I be happen to have you share whatever you feel comfortable sharing. In next month’s Post we will discuss and comments and questions we got from you, our readers.

Here are some ideas about health and training challenges you can accomplish in 21-days:

  • Increase the number of push-up you can do
  • Perform a particular form or technique a certain number of times each day
  • Improve your stretching
  • Lose a certain amount of weight
  • Increase the amount of weight you can lift
  • Throw a certain number of punches each day
  • Spend more time meditating each day

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking. Remember, your personal challenge can be anything that you feel will be of benefit to you in your life. It could be reading a particular book that you’ve been putting off for years. It could be refreshing your language skills in a foreign language that you studied and then let slip away. Whatever you choose to do I encourage you to also include something that will affect your mental and physical health through your Traditional Martial and Healing Arts Training. Those of you who are currently studying with Seifu Andrew can check with him to get some additional recommendations to improve your performance in areas that he thinks will improve your training. Also watch this month's Video of the Month for some inspiration from the Shaolin Temple.

Click on the Contact Us link above or below to comment or ask questions about this Post or other related topics.

It is not simply practice that makes perfect. It is perfect practice and consistent practice that makes perfect.

Enjoy the journey!

Namaste'! Live Wu-Te!


Seifu-Sharif.com© 1997 Last Revised April 15, 2020